Address: 20759 Plummer St. Chatsworth, CA 91311

Phone Number: +1 (844) 591-1040, ext.1400


Q: What Is The Portal?

A: The portal is a page for clients to upload and download files or reach their payroll.

Q: How Do I Download Files?

A: To download files from the portal, proceed to the portal page and click the Client Portal Login button, from there either sign in to your account or use the Guest Exchange download button.

Q: How Do I Upload Files?

A: To upload files from the portal, proceed to the portal page and click the Client Portal Login button, from there either sign in to your account or use the Guest Exchange upload button.

Q: How Can I Login To My Payroll?

A: Visit the portal page and scroll down to Workforce Payroll Portal

Q: How Can I Learn More?

A: Visit the Contact page to reach out for more information.